Club of a new Generation
インフラ INFRA presents late-night closing party ‘Club of a New Generation’ at Tokyo’s new WWWß venue on August 26, with DJs and producers who understand fun, speed and tempo. ‘Club of a New Generation’ announces the title for the occasion, feverishly referencing the fresh sounds and innovative ideas that make the artists and events around インフラ INFRA 2017 so exciting. Expressing a search for identity and place in a rapidly changing world, the party asks ‘Who are we, what are we looking at?´
Some of the artists also asking and attempting an answer to these questions will perform this celebration of everything and everyone that is raw and unique. There will be Pink Queendom artists ALMA and Lilium Kobayashi (formerly Ultrademon) performing their own solo sets of hi-tech pop electro and ‘bad revolution,’ as well as world wide web-inspired Japanese music producer and co-founder of Wasabi Tapes, DJWWWW. Lyra will play a love set, dedicated to empathy and understanding. Veteran MIDI pop artist Emamouse brings her unique denpa flow – of off-key vocals and nonsense-lyrics – to the urgent 8-bit melodies of old school video games, while Toiret Status and 3hd Festival 2016 performer Foodman bring their own whacky textures to their Japanese footwork fusions.
Lilium Kobayashi
Toiret Status